• Vision of the R&D Center
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Vision of The Tech Center
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erae Automotive will lead the future of industry through technological innovation and development of cutting edge technology.
We will make a complete solution supplier of automotive parts.
Leaping to the global best manufacturer of automotive parts

The Tech Center of erae Automotive has a goal to be the complete solution supplier through modularization, systemization and digitalization of automotive parts. By achieving such a goal, automobiles made from erae Automotive components would emerge one of the global best with the aid of globally renowned component technology. erae Automotive will continue to aggressively search and develop new businesses while reinforcing values for environment, safety and convenience, and related cutting edge electronic control technology. erae Automotive will leap to the global best manufacturer of automotive parts together with customer’s prosperity.

erae Automotive is devoting itself in research and development activities to lead the era of technological competition. The Tech Center of erae Automotive has global best testing facilities such as wind tunnel test lab and anechoic chamber, and has secured its own R&D protocol. Objectives of The Tech Center include simulation technology to reduce the lead time for development of new products, basic research and development of new products to secure competitive future technology, alteration and improvement of existing products as well as securing independent technological competency. To realize these objectives, erae Automotive will reinforce establishment of the advanced research system and independent system evaluation.